5th Aug 2019
(Roger is wearing our iconic Romford Polo)
Roger Frampton, the founder of the ‘Frampton Method,’ is a world-renowned movement-coach. His revolutionary training techniques places emphasis on conscious movement, combining bodyweight exercises with aspects of gymnastics and yoga. Roger’s TED talk ‘Why sitting down destroys you’ has been viewed over 2 million times, and his book ‘The Flexible Body’ has been an Amazon bestseller since it was published. Roger’s outlook on life and love of his hometown of London made him a perfect fit for the Series campaign.
Tell us about your path to becoming a movement coach – where did your journey into the world of fitness begin?
When I was scouted to model, all I’d done previously was gym and weights work. This didn’t work for the catwalks, as sizes back then in the modelling industry were stricter. This first got me into experimenting with bodyweight style of training, which eventually led to a career as a movement coach. It’s all about studying the evolution of movement - how we evolved to move and how we move as kids.
The TED talk was a huge moment in your career – what can you tell us about it?
The TED talk was a challenge from the founder of London Real, Brian Rose. He loved the message I was spreading, and said “you’ve got to give a TED talk”. So I did. I hoped it would open people’s eyes that we’re are all born flexible and mobile, and are great movers as kids. With consistency, patience and focus on how our bodies move, we can get our natural movement back.
What are you working on this year?
We just launched our stretch plans on July 14th. These are 4 month plans that people can follow from anywhere in the world, targeting four main areas of the body - Shoulders, hips, touching our toes and our innate squat position; the idea is helping them regain their natural flexibility.
For young people wanting to get into fitness, what tips would you give them?
In all honesty? Don’t get into fitness. Most fitness will be a waste of your time, and is based on trying to change the visual aspect of your body. Movement is where you should be looking. Movement is something that each and every one of us is born with. You’ve just got to find, within you, that innate urge to move your body freely again. In other words, it’s not what you look like, but ‘what can you do?’
Who would you consider to be your greatest influences?
Anyone I see past the age of 60 moving their body slowly and consciously. That’s who I’m influenced by. The older generation, proving that movement doesn’t have to be over in our 60’s. Proving that with dedication, we can maintain our movement all the way through.
How did you get into modelling?
I was scouted in a bar in London - by photographer Simon Harris, from Select Models. I quit a career in carpentry to pursue modelling.
What does Ben Sherman mean to you?
I remember Ben Sherman even before my first days modelling! The first item I had was a classic checked shirt. Ben Sherman makes me think of ‘British lads’. In fact, I modelled one of your jackets several years ago here! The brand has so much history
How do you cultivate your style?
My style is freedom of movement. Always footwear where I can feel the ground, and clothing that doesn’t restrict my movement. Can I body move freely? Can I sit in a squat? Can I reach my arms overhead? If I can’t, I don’t wear it.
In terms of colours…Dark on the bottom means light on top, and vice versa. Not sure where I learnt that, but it’s a simple rule for not allowing you to camouflage into the background.
Written by Eric Gottschalk