New York based actor Gordon Winarick tells us what it's like working in the entertainment industry and how he remains dedicated.
Gordon is wearing our Navy Harrington and our Signature Logo T-Shirt
How did you get into acting?
It was never something I did as a child or a young adult. I found it later on in my life. When I started modeling, I found my way onto a commercial set, and it immediately felt like home. Everyone had a job to do; there were a million moving parts. It gave me the same feeling of being on a team like when I played baseball. In the end, you have this finished product that is the result of everyone's hard work. Once I started studying the craft, I developed a deeper appreciation for it. I've been very fortunate to have great teachers pave the way for me.
Tell us about your recent experiences as an actor.
Recently I was in the show HUNTERS on Amazon Prime. It was one of the best working experiences I have had to date. Truly a great show concept. The entire team was there to play; no one had an ego. Those are the kinds of projects you dream of being a part of. GO AND WATCH.
Gordon is wearing our Reverse Loopback Stripe Tee
What does that world look like today? Anything you want to highlight, or do you have any advice for others in the same field as you?
It is a really wild world that I feel privileged to be a part of. I am basically playing around and pretending to be other people for a job; it is BEAUTIFUL.
My advice for others in the same field as me. Where do I even begin? Stay focused on your life, not the racehorse next to you. Everyone has their moment at different times. You must make it a point to be just as happy for the success of others as you are about your own success. Lift people up; it comes back tenfold.
Keep learning and keep creating. Find your creative juices in anything you can. If you solely put your self-worth in "getting the part," you will be sad 99.99% of the time. Paint, draw, cook, dance, play music, exercise. Express yourself in any way you can, and slowly you will reveal parts of yourself that you didn't know were there. Then it funnels itself into the work.
Any exciting personal projects coming up this year we should know about?
I am gearing up for an art show in early fall. The art is mixed media on canvas.
A film called The Ultimate Playlist of Noise comes out on HULU later this year as well. It is a beautiful script following an audio obsessed teen who finds out he is going to lose his hearing and goes on a journey to record this playlist of the most specific sounds.
What are some other interests you have? Tell us a little about them.
I find my spiritual practice in Nichiren Daishonin Buddhism. We all have this eternal power and peace inside all of us. So, I spend quite a lot of time studying and chanting. This practice has allowed me to find true happiness within the self, so regardless of what happens in my career, I have a place to return to find that peace.
Painting. Painting, Painting. There is something wildly freeing about having this white canvas, or sheet of paper, in front of you. The possibilities are endless. I get giddy every single time I am about to work on something.
Who is your biggest influence?
If I were going to have a dinner party and invite a few people, it would be Marina Abramovic, Julian Schnabel, Robert Pattinson, and Anthony Bourdain.
I love diving deep into people's bodies of work. Marina Abramovic has one of the most inspiring lives I have ever read about. Julian Schnabel, now that's my HERO. The guy has an amazing artistic point of view.
What is your favorite activity to do with your friends?
Go and see a movie, play, art exhibit, etc. and talk about it over food, preferably my cooking, or vegan anything. What was your favorite part? What did you think worked? What didn't work? Good conversation is important. Always a laughing bunch.
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Also, I love going to work out with friends. Shout out to New York Pilates; it's harrrrdddddd, you'll be shaking.
What does Ben Sherman mean to you?
Ben Sherman has always had and continues to have a really strong grasp of classic pieces with a modern twist. I think they adapt the classic pieces for the modern world in an effortless and just flat-out, stylish way.
What is your favorite piece of Ben Sherman clothing and why?
Classic white men's dress shirt. Can't beat the fit.
Gordon is wearing our Reverse Loopback Stripe Tee
How would you describe your personal style, what are key-pieces you can't live without?
Understated, smart, and utilitarian fit is the most important to me. Some days I like a baggy look, other days, I like a more tailored cleaner look. Love a good vintage find. I usually am in jeans or white painter pants, a t-shirt, and boots. Anything that I can get dirty and not stress about. And in jewelry gold, silver, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, rings, you name it.
What is a good mantra or affirmation that you live by?